[Gllug] ipv6

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Fri Oct 17 15:33:33 UTC 2003

On Fri 17 Oct, Richard Jones wrote:

> There are some dangers with this: firstly China, Taiwan and Japan are
> an odd group of countries to be cooperating with each other.  Secondly
> China in particular might not feel compelled to donate code back as
> required under the GPL, and there would be very little anyone could do
> about it if they didn't.
> Rich.
   Far from being an odd group, they happen to manufacture a very large
proportion of the world's computer (and other) products. They could affect
more than M$ if they wished, and if recent reports are correct the market
for computers in China may soon overtake that in the west.
   We seem to be very keen to move employment to "the third world", we may
soon end up exchanging places in the list of nations.

Chris Bell

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