[Gllug] Debian

Garry Heaton garry at heaton6.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Oct 20 11:27:43 UTC 2003

Doug Winter wrote:
> On Mon 20 Oct will wrote:
>>Yes and no, I have the latest version on CD, but have never installed 
>>using it.  I can actually use the Debian installer, I just think it is 
> I hear this a lot, but I must admit I can't see any problems with the
> Debian installer.  It partitions a disk.  It puts Linux on it.  What
> more do you want?
> doug.
 I think it would help new users if there were a few up-to-date books on
Debian. A search for "Debian" on Amazon.co.uk turned-up the following selection:

1. Debian GNU/Linux Bible
Steve Hunger
John Wiley & Sons Inc
Paperback - 1 May, 2001

2. Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Unleashed
Aaron van Couwenberghe
Paperback - 12 January, 2000

3. Learning Debian GNU/Linux
Bill McCarty
O'Reilly UK
Paperback - September 1999

4. Installing Debian GNU/Linux
Thomas Down
Paperback - 1 December, 1999

5. Debian GNU/Linux for Dummies
Michael Bellomo
John Wiley & Sons Inc
Paperback - October 2000

6. Debian GNU/Linux
John Goerzen, Ossama Othman
New Riders
Unknown Binding - 2 August, 1999

As you can see, nothing has been published since May 2001 and online
resources are not for everyone. I have difficulty spending long periods
reading from a screen and rely on books. I would have given Debian a try but
for the lack of up-to-date published material.

Garry Heaton
Mandrake 9.1
Red Hat 9

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