[Gllug] Video recording

Pete Ryland pdr at pdr.cx
Thu Sep 18 18:30:54 UTC 2003

On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 02:24:43PM +0100, Chris Bell wrote:
> Hello,
>    I have been asked about a small box for recording security camera video.
> The only guidance so far is that it should preferably be something like a 1U
> high but not very deep box, up to about 19 inch rack width, for either
> continuous recording or intermittent frames of one or more security cameras
> to hard disc, with facilities to copy the recording to a DVD writer. The
> exact hardware, processor, OS, etc are less important, and I could consider
> Linux on RISC or anything else if that might be better. Has anyone seen
> anything like this? Any suggestions gratefully received.

A friend of mine did this for a pub some time ago, and he called it Nemesis:


I don't know if that gives you something to go on.  Anyway, with more recent
hardware, it should be easily feasible.


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