[Gllug] Failed razor check using spamassassin

Jon Dye jon at pecorous.co.uk
Mon Sep 29 07:56:05 UTC 2003


I am getting the following message in my mail logs:

Sep 28 22:02:20 *** spamd[12731]: razor2 check skipped: Bad file 
descriptor Died at /usr/share/perl/5.6.1/Net/Ping.pm line 307, <GEN517> 
line 1.

I've had a look at line 307 which is:
$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die };
It is in function that is doing a "tcp ping" by connectin to a tcp 
socket on a remote host and returning if the connection is sucessful. 
It also sets a timeout (alarm($timeout);) which I guess is firing and 
causeing this die statement to fire.

As far as I can see razor is using the ping module to check if a certain 
host is alive and is expecting a 0 or 1 returned from the function.  The 
way this ping funciton is written suggests that it will return 1 if it 
succeeds, 0 if it is rejected and it will die if it fails to connect.

Has anyone else come across this?  Am I correct in my assumption?  Does 
anyone have any suggestions as to how I can fix this (or is the error 
just a warning and everything works fine)?

This is with Debian stable using spamassassin and razor from debian testing:
Spamassassin 2.55-4
Razor 2.220-3
perl-modules 5.6.1-8.3


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