Re [Gllug] Interesting article on the MS monopoly

Garry Heaton garry at
Fri Apr 16 10:43:51 UTC 2004

Bruce Richardson itsbruce at

>On Fri, Apr 16, 2004 at 12:12:48AM +0100, Garry wrote:
>> I find it embarrasing to note that most Open Source apps that run on XP,
>> notably OO and Mozilla, boot and run much quicker than on Linux.

> On Linux, these apps use a host of shared libraries.  The Windows
> versions will likely have much more statically linked in.  For OO on
>Linux, you can boost the loading speed using prelink.

> Bruce

This is precisely my point. If it can be prelinked, as you say, why on earth
isn't it the default with distros which are tyring to impress desktop users?


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