[Gllug] natwest fantasticness

Andy Farnsworth farnsaw at stonedoor.com
Tue Apr 6 11:59:37 UTC 2004

There are several CC companies that are putting your picture on the
front of the credit card.  While this won't stop someone from using it,
it does tend to reduce the number of people who can use the card.  For
example, it would usually[0] prevent a woman from using a man's card and
vice versa as well as someone of African ancestry using the card of
someone with Anglo Saxon ancestry.  The other option that I want to see
is the ability to have longer than 4 digit pin numbers if you want them.
How many security systems require a minimum of 8 characters for your
password and that it must contain letters and digits.  Compare this to
the 4 digit pin number.  Granted, the user will usually only get 3
chances to try it, but if they catch 3 of 4 digits they have a 30%
chance of getting it right.  Theives are getting into technology as well
an placing magnetic stripe readers and cameras on ATM machines which
will allow them to create a copy of your card, go to the ATM and
withdraw money from your account.  Chip rather than stripe will help
stop this.

Andy Farnsworth

-----Original Message-----
From: gllug-bounces at gllug.org.uk [mailto:gllug-bounces at gllug.org.uk] On
Behalf Of Richard Jones
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 12:31 PM
To: Greater London Linux Users Group
Subject: Re: [Gllug] natwest fantasticness

On Tue, Apr 06, 2004 at 11:42:33AM +0100, Ian Scott wrote:
> One big plus on the chip and pin jobby is that they don't expect you 
> to write the pin on the back of the card, so anyone who nicks the card

> can learn to type it!

Of course you could write the _wrong_ PIN number on the back of the card
to confuse any thieves.


Richard Jones. http://www.annexia.org/ http://www.j-london.com/ Merjis
Ltd. http://www.merjis.com/ - improving website return on investment
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