[Gllug] SSL tunnelling -- advanced version

Alan Peery peery at io.com
Thu Apr 1 14:27:47 UTC 2004

Mamading Ceesay wrote:

> Have a look at http://openvpn.sf.net and see if it meets your 
> requirements.

Very interesting, but it doesn't look like it will.  In one sense, it is 
too general purpose.  To use a VPN style product, I then have to:

   1. manage the IP addresses of both the clients and the server (the
      private IPs used by the TUN)
   2. make sure the that routing doesn't allow packets off the machine
   3. make sure that one client can't connect to another

Points 2 & 3 are fixable by making sure that box is not acting as a 
router, but point 1 remains a pain. 

More importantly, it hasn't made it past the firewall/NTLM proxy 
combination that I expect some of the clients to have.

I continue to chase down other leads, but the best prospect at present 
are components we'd have to buy at http://www.componentsource.com, in 
the Network Communication section.


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