[Gllug] removing lilo from mbr

john gennard joney at clara.co.uk
Wed Aug 18 15:27:44 UTC 2004

A friend has a laptop with a single ide hard-drive on which he installed 
W2000 and Mandrake
and used dual booting by putting lilo on the mbr.

He later temporarily deleted Mandrake and gave over the whole disk to W2000
(I think to allow adequate room for a lot of video files).

Now W2000 refuses to boot - we've tried all we can think of and got nowhere.

fdisk \mbr                                                            
                    fails to work
lilo -U                                                                  
                    is no help
booting from the W2000 CD, going to the recovery console
    and using the fixboot and fixmbr commands                           
don't help

This is beyond me, and I assume lilo is looking for Mandrake which was
the default and no longer exists. Can anyone suggest how to get W2000 to
boot. Grateful for any assistance.


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