[Gllug] Computer Scrounge

Tom Taylor ttaylor at fotango.com
Tue Aug 3 13:39:50 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-08-03 at 01:22, Chris Bell wrote:
> On Mon 02 Aug, farnsaw at stonedoor.com wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> >   I am attempting to help a neighboring family who cannot afford a computer or
> > internet access to obtain both.  I will supply the internet access via my
> > personal net connection and a computer via donation and/or scavenge.  If anyone
> > has something along the lines of a 1 Ghz or faster machine (or at least not
> > slower than 700 Mhz) or parts of said machine I would appreciate an email.
> > While this doesn't need to be a powerhouse of a machine, I feel that it should
> > not be a snail since they cannot afford a computer today, they will not be able
> > to afford an upgrade anytime soon.
> > 
>    That is faster than anything I have in the house (although I do have more
> than one slower machine in regular use).
> -- 
> Chris Bell

My desktop is a P3-700 with 512MB RAM, and it feels no slower to use
than the P4 (2.4GHz) laptop I'm using with the same RAM.

I run a p2-333/256MB RAM as a file/email server hooked up with 280GB of
cheap nasty IDE storage, as a *server it again flies through most of
it's work (even while running distccd).

For average user, there is nothing wrong (IMHO) with a 400MHZ(ish) box
provided it has a decent amount of RAM and a reasonably fast HDD (they
don't expect to be playing games do they?).  There are companies
throwing boxes like this out all of the time, you can even buy one for
£50-100, Micromart (scum) always have adverts for companies that resell
the stuff (or a classified section in the back atleast)

Tom Taylor
Systems Administrator
Fotango Ltd.

ttaylor at fotango.com

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