[Gllug] Cygwin problems or X problems?

farnsaw at stonedoor.com farnsaw at stonedoor.com
Wed Aug 18 10:36:24 UTC 2004

Quoting "Robert P. McKenzie" <rmckenzi at rpmdp.com>:

> While it's not answer to your X problem, you may want something like this in
> one
> of the start up files on the system:
> lynx -dump http://www.whatismyip.com | grep "Your IP is" | awk '{print $4}' |
> mail -s "New IP address" youraddress at blah.com
> It's simple and will send you an email..

Interestingly enough, I thought of the same thing using dyndns.org (and send a
direct email to the original author) suggesting the use of one of their clients
for Linux.  I regularly use their site checkip.dyndns.org to determine my
current IP (or the IP of my gateway/proxy).  Comparing what checkip.dyndns.org
reports to what www.whatismyip.com reports I get two different results.  Dyndns
reports my internal IP which is a 10.x.x.x address while whatismyip reports a
normal outside address.  First time I have seen this behavior with DynDns, has
anyone else had problems with them?

Andrew Farnsworth
Gllug mailing list  -  Gllug at gllug.org.uk

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