[Gllug] E-Mail to SMS Advice

Gordon Joly gordon.joly at pobox.com
Thu Aug 19 13:54:03 UTC 2004

At 1:11 pm +0100 17/8/04, Doug Winter wrote:
>Mario wrote:
>>Ideally I would like to send an E-mail similar to:  <mobile 
>>number>@sms-gateway.co.uk.  I have found some commercially 
>>available services but am interested in finding out about any 
>>Linux-based solutions available.
>>Any advice from past experiences, specific links to sites that I 
>>could use etc. would be appreciated.
>I've used smsclient to do this, but to be honest the grief of
>maintaining an analog line and modem makes this a bit of a pain.
>I'd recommend using one of the online sms gateways - the cost is 
>about the same, and it's a zillion times easier to set up. 
>Obviously not much use if you want to alert to the fact your 
>internet connection is down, but good otherwise ;)
>I'm using http://www.esendex.com/, and it works very well.

I believe these two are highly recommended:-




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