[Gllug] regular expression

Ian Scott mriscott at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Aug 6 11:06:11 UTC 2004

> (this i don't get at ALL, could someone please explain me this one)
> sed -e "s/ *//g"

I'm going to assume here that the line you actually used was
sed -e "s/ */X/g"

- which replaces any number (0 or more) spaces with X

To get what you meant, you'd want:
sed -e "s/ +/X/g"

(replace 1 or more spaces with X)

As others have said, what I think you wanted was:

sed -e "s/ /\\\\ /g"

sed -e 's/ /\\ /g'

If you use ", you need to escape the \ twice, once for bash and once for sed.


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