[Gllug] [OT] gmail invites

Ian Norton bredroll at darkspace.org.uk
Mon Aug 30 11:41:13 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-08-30 at 11:15, Dean wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 08:36:16AM +0100, Jason Clifford wrote:
> > Yesterday I saw an announcement for GmailFS - a new filesystem for Linux 
> > that uses your Gmail account for storage supporting most commonly used 
> > features of a filesystem.
> Keep an eye on how you are required to login to gmail, rumour has it
> it'll change to include an image pretty soon to stop things like this
> and the notifiers from working.

Gmail's current login system is already pretty braindead, I can't use
links properly and it makes opera on my zaurus crash (everything makes
konqueror crash)

I wouldnt be suprized if they were to *totally* screw up the login
process by using some stupid image, what if I use text mode?, what if I
was blind or partially sighted?. 

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