[Gllug] AOL broadband through ntl

Ian Norton bredroll at darkspace.org.uk
Mon Aug 16 22:27:20 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-08-16 at 22:23, Christopher Hunter wrote:
> First thing - you can entirely forget AOL.  They use a unique set of bizarre 
> protocols, and only release their software in a Windoze flavour, and are 
> entirely incompatible with anything Linux (thank goodness). 

im sure it is something that will work somehow, its probably just some
dhcp with some extensions. or maybe even bootp. i cant imagine aol
actually inventing something new, i woudlnt credit them with that much

> We routinely block AOL mail, as their (l)userbase isn't computer savvy at all, 
> and the majority of their subscribers have machines riddled with worms, 
> trojans, viruses and spyware.....

you cant really justify this generisation, this user wants to have a
linux box, with aol providing nothing but the pipe, i dont see much
wrong with that, afterall, bandwidth is bandwidth, aol is evil yes i
agree there,

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