[Gllug] C++ Templates, Opinions?

Richard Jones rich at furbychan.annexia.org
Fri Dec 31 16:09:53 UTC 2004

On Sat, Dec 25, 2004 at 12:12:25AM +0000, Nix wrote:
> [...] and [refcounting] imposes a serious overhead in both space and time.  One
> Disagreed. It's a space overhead, but only a time overhead if
> allocations are very frequent.

It's an overhead on every pointer copy, eg. pointer assignments, and
whenever a pointer goes out of scope.  In other words, a big time

> The problem with providing non-refcounted GC in Boost is that such is
> necessarily compiler- or platform-specific, which Boost may have no
> truck with (being as it is a test platform for the next C++ standards
> revision).

I agree that the C++ community has done marvellous things with the
language.  The problem is that you wouldn't need all these hacks if
you had a language which was designed properly in the first place.
Have a look at OCaml ... really ... (http://caml.inria.fr) It's as
fast or faster than C++ in almost all cases, and your lines of code
will be an order of magnitude smaller.  Or have a look at Haskell,
or SML/NJ, or Common Lisp.


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