[Gllug] Sun hardware/firewall memory

Mike Brodbelt mike at coruscant.demon.co.uk
Wed Dec 22 22:18:20 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-12-22 at 08:53 +0000, Tethys wrote:

> Don't get your hopes up. ILO is a typical example of PC engineering.
> Don't give the user what they need, give them something pretty
> instead! Rather than just giving us a true serial console, which is
> all anyone wanted, they've overengineered it, and made remote access
> to the BIOS be via a web browser with a nice GUI interface. So, then,
> that doesn't work when I'm called out of hours and have to try and
> fix things with my Zaurus and a 9600 connection over my mobile phone.
> Meanwhile, I can connect to all of my SPARC machines and manage them
> without problems. No, this isn't a contrived example. It's actually
> happened to me. Sigh.

Sounds like a painful experience. If you just want a real serial console
that gives full access to the BIOS, then you can outfit pretty much any
x86 PC with a Weasel card (http://www.realweasel.com). They are great
bits of kit, and make an x86 almost (well OK, slight exaggeration) as
pleasant as a SPARC.


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