[Gllug] re: no sig / coffee thread

t.clarke tim at seacon.co.uk
Mon Dec 6 21:57:43 UTC 2004

The notion that no warning signs would improve the gene pool is a novel one!
Stretching things somewhat - I am sure even Einstein behaved like a pillock

The 'coffee' thread has proved most entertaining I can certainly sympathise
with poor lady if the coffee was deliberately served much hotter than
necessary.  Personally, I have never bought McDonalds coffee more than once
- it deserves a health warning purely on the basis of taste!!

On the subject of punitive damages - the yank notion of punitive damages is
in my view somewhat screwy; by all means have some means of punishing the
offender if deliberate wrong-doing is established, but the fine should not
end up as a prize for the claimant.  Maybe it should end up in a charitable
trust for the benefit of those less fortunate than the majority.

I would still like to see a return to a culture where kids are taught about
commons sense and that rights go hand in hand with responsibilities.


ps:  sorry, wrong subject or thread - I screwed up on the reply

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