[Gllug] Web Site Development

Peter Childs blue.dragon at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Dec 12 14:29:49 UTC 2004

Doug Winter wrote:

> Peter Childs wrote:
>> Extenablity, easy to add new features E-Commerce is wanted 
>> eventually. (This is for a London Mini-Cab company)
> If you want stuff like this, then a Wiki is not appropriate, I think. 
> I'd suggest you look at the popular free Content Management Systems.
> This site lists pretty much all of them:
> http://www.cmsmatrix.org
> My personal favorite is Plone, which I've done a lot of work with.  
> It's very cool, but a bit weird.  It uses Zope though, which means you 
> need a specialist Zope hoster, so it won't run on your existing hoster:

    Ok its not really a problem it not running on our web hoster if its 
good enough that can be changed. I'm still trying to remove ~4,500 items 
of spam that  the isp meekly accepts every day and really need rejecting 
before they reach the office!
    I'm specularing on bringing it all in house and just getting a good 
fast internet connection and thats it. Not sure on this either, speed 
requirements, cost, If you ask somone for a web site thats what they 
give you I want an entire package.
    As I said eventually an online intreactive mini-cab booking system 
is wanted that is to book cars in real time, 15 minute delay means that 
we will have the car within 15 minutes outside the users door (given 
that they are within greater london).
    I don't mind administrating a service just don't wish to 
administrate indervidual web pages that I can get other staff to do that 
know their own job better.

>> Will work on most web servers, Our web hosting company is currently 
>> http://www.verio.co.uk/ This is only for historical reasons. So we 
>> have access to php, perl, etc (they are using BSD) This can be 
>> changed...
> That said, PHP and Perl are evil and to be avoided if at all possible.

    PHP and Perl have their place Python, Ruby etc are no better or 
worse, but each has its own job that it is good at. Its a matter of 
using the right tools for the right job. I currently have no idea as to 
what the right tools are. I have a wide exeriance of using the wrong 
tools on the web and when you have a tool box of 30odd tools its 
difficult to know what the right one is.

> I shall now go and don my flameproof longjohns.
> Cheers,
> Doug.
Peter Childs
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