[Gllug] How do I make sources available to compile against?

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Sun Dec 5 11:06:01 UTC 2004

On Wed, 1 Dec 2004, Ashley Evans stated:
> You may also want to try adding the path of the installed library 
> to /etc/ld.so.conf

Unnecessary if it's in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib, as these are
hardwired into ldconfig.

>                    and running ldconfig

Necessary whenever a new shared library is installed.

>                                         - afaik (and I would like to be 
> corrected if wrong) this only affects programs at runtime when they try to 
> locate dynamicly linked libraries,

Correct: ldconfig creates /etc/ld.so.cache, a cache used by
ld-linux.so.2 so it doesn't have to do a huge path search whenever a
dynamically linked program starts (which would slow things down *just* a

`The sword we forged has turned upon us
 Only now, at the end of all things do we see
 The lamp-bearer dies; only the lamp burns on.'
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