[Gllug] ``Confidential`` .sigs

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Tue Dec 7 12:46:43 UTC 2004

On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, David Damerell said:
> Of course people should recognise that hot coffee is dangerous, but
> there's an expectation of _how_ dangerous it is.

People seem to assume it's as dangerous as hot solid objects, which is
obviously wrong: it's mostly water, so it's much *more* dangerous than
that: it transfers its heat to you faster (because it can cover you,
unlike solid objects) and its s.h.c is huge.

`The sword we forged has turned upon us
 Only now, at the end of all things do we see
 The lamp-bearer dies; only the lamp burns on.'
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