[Gllug] ``Confidential'' .sigs

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Sun Dec 5 11:40:29 UTC 2004

nOn Wed, 1 Dec 2004, Simon Wiehe mused:
>               I am sure the large organisations, especially the one I work
> for, have spend a lot of time, effort and money on validating the requirements
> and legality of such a signature.

Pardon me while I die laughing.

These sigs are a *classic* sign of cookie-cutter paranoid lawyering:
`take these bits because they might work, it hasn't been tested in court
and makes no legal or intellectual sense, but let's do it anyway'.

`The sword we forged has turned upon us
 Only now, at the end of all things do we see
 The lamp-bearer dies; only the lamp burns on.'
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