[Gllug] Please fix my network (reward offered)

Benedikt Heinen beh at icemark.net
Thu Dec 16 12:43:20 UTC 2004

>> root at e11:~ # route add -net dev ipsec0
> No, but I have now
> I've also done
> route add -net gw
> on the ZEN machine and can now ping the interface on FLUMP
> from ZEN, but I cannot ping other machines on that network

Did you also

 		echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

to allow the gateway machine to forward packets?

(This needs to be done every time the machine gets started, after you're 
finished with your firewall setups. It's just a simple protection that 
machines don't start routing packets before the firewall is up).

If at some stage you want to (globally) turn forwarding off again, just do

 		echo 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

and it's off again...


 	INFLUENCE, n.  In politics, a visionary _quo_ given in exchange
 	  for a substantial _quid_.
 			(Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary)
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