[Gllug] ``Confidential'' .sigs [Was: hosts.conf/nsswitch.conf debate]

Wiehe, Simon simon.wiehe at csfb.com
Wed Dec 1 09:48:34 UTC 2004

>(The following doesn't apply that much to the particular .sig of Tim's,
>rather to this breed of .sigs in general; the Tim's one is relatively
>These .sigs are evil.  I have whatever rights I have under the ... well
>... you Brits don't have a constitution, do you ;-), and *appending* a
>fineprint that's going to be read *after* the actual body (any bottom-up
>readers here?) is nonsensical, and has no legal merit.  It wouldn't have
>any merit even if it was filling the first ten paragraphs, and the
>subject, either.  IMO it wouldn't have any merit even as a click-thru
>wrapper, unless there was a (possibly implied) mutual agreement about a
>validity of such a click-thru.
>If I receive a message from you, you are agreeing that:
>   1. I am by definition, "the intended recipient"
>   2. All information in the email is mine to do with as I see fit and make
>        such financial profit, political mileage, or good joke as it lends
>        itself to. In particular, I may quote it on USENET or the WWW.
>   3. I may take the contents as representing the views of your company.
>   4. This overrides any disclaimer or statement of confidentiality that may
 >       be included on your message
>   5. You hereby and unconditionally surrenders yourself and your
>	firstborn, etc., as detailed in the thread about the Linux World
>        Community Grid.
>By having read this message, you have agreed to pay me GBP 0.01, no
>later than at the social meeting on Thursday.
>Wouldn't that drive you mad?


Lots of things annoy me and are pointless. Like why do some people's posts,
yours included come through as a text attachment to an attached email to the
message from glug. I have to open the mail, open the attached mail and then
open the attached text document just to read the above.

You may find the attached sig on this message pointless and annoying but some
of us do not have any choice in the matter. A lot of these are appended by the
servers of the organisations we work for when they are shipped outside the
organisation. I am sure the large organisations, especially the one I work
for, have spend a lot of time, effort and money on validating the requirements
and legality of such a signature.


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