[Gllug] Gaim setup - yahoo & msn

Ian Norton bredroll at darkspace.org.uk
Sat Feb 7 12:52:24 UTC 2004

On Thu, Feb 05, 2004 at 10:48:06PM +0000, Will Napier wrote:
> >>I have just successfully done so for icq, because there are 
> >>instructions 
> >>on the gaim site for that. What would the screenname and 
> >>alias (in gaim 
> >>terms) be (in yahoo and msn terms)? Thanks for any help
> >>
> >>   
> >>
> >for msn and yahoo you have to use latest software of gaim 0.75 .. try that 
> >and let me know if you have any problems in connecting ...
> >
> >Chanka Perera
> >
> After sending this message, I managed to upgrade to .75 (from .68 which 
> comes with Mandrake 9.2).  This allowed me to integrate msn, but yahoo 
> is still not happening. Apparently this may be fixed by an upcoming 
> security update to Gaim. Apart from waiting for this (and wondering, 
> newbie that I am, how to update), might there be any other solution?

You might want to try the yahoo transport for jabber, gaim can connect to
jabber, but you will need to subscribe to the yahoo transport using another
jabber client like gabber before you can use it inside gaim. 

(is it me or does this sound way more confusing than it is?)


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