[Gllug] Open Forum

Doug Winter doug at pigeonhold.com
Fri Feb 13 17:11:19 UTC 2004

On Fri 13 Feb Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
> This one time, at band camp, Jack Richards wrote:
> > Open Forum seem to have some very strange loyalties.  I know a
> > couple of the guys within who are very Open Source minded, but there
> > are others who are totally the opposite way inclined.  
> "Open" and "Open Systems" back in the bad old days of commercial Unix
> was a synonym for "closed".

Open Forum are a right weird lot though.  They're stated position is
basically 'open source is great because we'll all be rich!'.  They are
funded by tech suppliers mostly, and are very businessy.  Lots of suit
wearing and mumbling about profit and support contracts and the like.

There might be some stealth geeks in there somewhere, but mostly I think
it's just typical organisation with quangoitis that has colonised open
source as an issue mostly because nobody else had.

They have their use I imagine, talking to the terminally FUD-infected,
but the only interests they really represent are those of people trying
to sell you things.


6973E2CF: 2C95 66AD  | Get thee glass eyes,
1596 37D2 41FC 609F  |  And, like a scurvy politician, seem
76C0 A4EC 6973 E2CF  |   To see the things thou dost not.
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