OT: [Gllug] Debian or Slack

Luke Hopkins streaklug at streaknet.co.uk
Mon Feb 23 17:23:58 UTC 2004

I used to be part of a (small) team maintaining 240 slack boxes. I fail
to see your problem with it.
No compiler for what? Slack comes with compilers for most things,
everything I've ever needed anyway.
I've never had a days trouble with it.


-----Original Message-----
From: gllug-bounces at gllug.org.uk [mailto:gllug-bounces at gllug.org.uk] On
Behalf Of Martin A. Brooks
Sent: 23 February 2004 17:00
To: Greater London Linux Users Group
Subject: Re: OT: [Gllug] Debian or Slack

On Mon, 2004-02-23 at 16:52, ben f wrote:
> Okay, you've stoked my curiosity...
> Where to deb bigots stand vs. slack (I use this term
> in a non-flamebait way!!).

Slackware is unusable in a production environment[0].  For example, how
would you maintain your slackware server if there was no compiler
available?  Supposing you have 10 boxes not 1, or 150?

> Do debianites tend to use pre-existing packages or
> roll-their-own, as I generally find myself doing for
> slack.

Almost everything most people will ever need is available as a
maintained deb package.  If you really want to compile stuff (though I
fail to see why[1]), you can grab the source of the deb package and do

[0] Don't bother with the outraged denials. Come back when you run 200
slackware servers. :)

[1] I know some people think that recompiling from source means the
package is then "optimised" for their system.  This is true as far as it
goes.  Why bother optimising something that will spend 99% of its time
waiting for user input?

Martin A. Brooks, Clues Ltd

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