[Gllug] BSA software audit

Jason Clifford jason at ukpost.com
Tue Feb 10 15:09:28 UTC 2004

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Richard Jones wrote:

> I filled in the BSA audit
> (http://www.bsaeurope.org/audit_2004/form/audit.php) with humorous
> values (Linux, no licenses, etc.)

If you stated no license you've done it wrong.

I'm looking at it now and it seems to me that you'd have to supply data in 
the form:

Manufacturer	Software  Version Software License No of  	No
Type				  Type		   Licenses	installed
Linus Torvalds	Linux 	  2.4.x	  OS	   Other   unlimited    unknown
et al

Free Software	GNU	  various OS	   Other   unlimited    unknown

and so on for each different piece of software or grouping of software 
(perhaps by license or licensee).

On the following page where you are invited to enter value it may be worth 
remembering the guestimates that Linux is worth billions - perhaps use the 
$3 billion figure SCO used ;)

I notice that the survey takes identifying data but does not include the 
mandatory DPA notices and the terms indicate you'll be added to a mailing 
list but there is no opt in or opt out facility. These may be breaches of 
the Data Protection Act.

> But damn me if it doesn't crash right on the last step, giving loads
> of PHP and MySQL errors!  It's a Red Hat Linux machine running Apache
> too.

PHP error set to display which is very amatuer.

Jason Clifford
UKFSN.ORG		Finance Free Software while you surf the 'net
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