[Gllug] new guy with ADSL question

bradut at intelesuri.net bradut at intelesuri.net
Thu Jan 8 17:47:58 UTC 2004

I think I managed to browse all postings on this thread and I have
decided to add my 2p's worth as I haven't seen Eclipse Net mentioned. I
have been with them for quite sometime after a short spell with BT when
broadband was not nearly as popular as it is now. 
I use their service as a 24/7 runnig my mail server and webserver, as
well as for ssh connections from work to the home pc. It has fallen over
once within this 2 year period for no longer than few hours. I found
their tehnical support very good. I had an issue once (incindentally
this was only the second time I had to call them ) when some DNS
servers I was using went down and it occured to me to actually ask for
what dns servers is my isp providing... Again no fault on their support
side. You have the choice of raising a support call yourself or doing
the same on the phone through one of their support people (that's if
they can't sort you out over the phone, they take it very seriously to
sort you out though).
I also appreciate the speed of connection which is reliable if not the
fastest anymore.

Getting connected as such is a doddle, no visit from engineer, none of
the paraphernalia of "welcome to broadband" as I've seen advertised with
other providers. Just simple, straight access to the network for a good

This post has become longer than initially intended but I feel I owed it
to them.

All the best, 


On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 03:02:43PM +0000, Martin A. Brooks wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 14:57, gllug at amias.org.uk wrote:
> > 4. Could anyone recommend a national ISP ?
> Demon or Zen.
> Regards
> -- 
> Martin A. Brooks, Clues Ltd
> http://www.clues.ltd.uk/
> -- 
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