[Gllug] 2.6: does it break anything?

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Sat Jan 17 01:18:48 UTC 2004

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, Xander D. Harkness uttered the following:
> I spoke to one of the developers yesterday who said that if you have a LVM1 partition and use LVM2 then it will happily talk to the
> partition and use it. The meta-data is in a different format and hence if you start off with LVM2 then it will use the new format
> which cannot be read by an LVM1 system.

Ah, great, so it `sticks' as LVM1 until you take some positive action to
force it to LVM2?

That sounds much less worrying than the `one shot and that's it' scheme
which I'd thought it was.

`note to the crown prosecution service: Machine guns dont have a
 'stun' setting.' --- mjw
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