[Gllug] My network is using IPv6 ... and I didn't even know it ?!?

Xander D Harkness xander at harkness.co.uk
Fri Jan 16 16:13:24 UTC 2004

Richard Jones wrote:

>Followup to this ...
>On the Debian GNU/Linux box, running the 2.6.0 kernel, I see that
>eth0 has been assigned an IPv6 address:
>rich at arctor:~$ /sbin/ifconfig eth0
>eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:40:63:C9:7A:FD  
>          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>          inet6 addr: fe80::240:63ff:fec9:7afd/64 Scope:Link
>I'm not sure who or what allocates this.  The address
>is statically assigned.  /etc/network/interfaces doesn't mention
Is this IPv6 address not just a direct mapping of the IPv4 address

If you set NETWORKING_IPV6=yes in /etc/sysconfig/network then Red Hat 
will enable IPv6 mapping to the IPv4 addresses.

Kind regards

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