Backup Software, was: [Re: [Gllug] Production system...]

Nix nix at
Fri Jan 16 07:20:44 UTC 2004

On Mon, 12 Jan 2004, Daniel P. Berrange mused:
> While we're on the subject of backups, what are people using for
> Linux backup software these days? I've traditionally recommended &
> used AMANDA, but configuring/maintaining it can be rather a black 
> art, particularly for Linux novices. So I'm considering switching
> over to Bucula:

Yes, Bacula certainly is nice.

My home system (with no tape drive but with a CD-writer) I'm backing up
with a mass of scriptage and <>.

`note to the crown prosecution service: Machine guns dont have a
 'stun' setting.' --- mjw
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