[Gllug] mp3 encoding from Real Player output

Pete Ryland pdr at accucard.com
Fri Jan 2 14:15:31 UTC 2004

On Thu, Jan 01, 2004 at 09:44:02PM +0000, Stuart Children wrote:
> I have a DXR3 and it works pretty well.

I got one the other day for a few quid off ebay but I've yet to spend more
than a few minutes at home to try to get it working.

> The only issue I have is that the audio sync tends to go a
> little which I find annoying. That could be my system though.

I'm not sure which player you're using, but with mplayer (the one I
currently use), you can specify "-framedrop" and "-hardframedrop" which will
drop minor video frames to ensure that the video doesn't start to lag the
audio in the case where the cpu can't keep up decoding every frame.  If you
don't want to use these options, I've found that pausing and unpausing will
help it catch up.

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