[Gllug] OT: Recover deleted from USB Pen drive

dan at berrange.com dan at berrange.com
Fri Jul 16 17:01:26 UTC 2004

On Fri, Jul 16, 2004 at 05:51:44PM +0100, James Goldwater wrote:
> Hi, not exactly a linux question but I'm in a spot of bother.  Can you 
> recover deleted files from a standard USB pen drive?  I'm using it on 
> Windows XP, but I can move to linux if needed.   I haven't put much info 
> on the drive since deleting the _incredibly important file_, so it's 
> probably still there.
> Gulp.  Can anyone help?  Will Norton Utilities and the like help?  If I 
> can just do a dump of the entire thing (64Meg) I can get the file since 
> it's RTF and should be easily identifiable.

If you want to do a complete dump of the drive, then switch
to Linux and just 'dd' from the RAW device (typically /dev/sda?).

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