[Gllug] Locating Subdirectories

Dan Kolb dankolb at ox.compsoc.net
Tue Jul 27 11:07:55 UTC 2004

On Tue, Jul 27, 2004 at 12:04:29PM +0100, John Hearns wrote:
> Nope, but for fun way more complicated:
> ls --directory -l * | grep ^d | sed 's/ \+/ /g' | cut -f 9 -d ' '
> (do an ls, match with a d at the start, turn multiple spaces into one
> space, cut out the directory name)
> Sorry of there are flaws in this - I just tried it out.

You may want to be using ls -la (or -lA) for the hidden directories to appear.

U:	There's a U -- a Unicorn!
	Run right up and rub its horn.
	Look at all those points you're losing!
	UMBER HULKS are so confusing.
		-- The Roguelet's ABC
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