[Gllug] GPL

Weston, Toby (ELS) T.Weston at elsevier.com
Wed Jul 21 13:16:07 UTC 2004

gllug-bounces at gllug.org.uk wrote:
> On Wednesday, 21 Jul 2004, Leigh Mason wrote:
>> What would happen if the original author wants to redistribute the
>> original work (without changes) under a new licence? In effect,
>> having the same work released under two licenses. Is this possible?
> The original author can do whatever they please provided they don't
> roll other people's submissions into it.
> --
> David Damerell <damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk> flcl?

So how about copyleft, where does that fit in? Is it as simple as saying
"you can distribute this as long as you keep this notice" or is it the same
thing os the GPL, LGPL? 

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