[Gllug] XFree86 shuts down after startup

Simon Jakesch simon.jakesch at proxima-tech.com
Mon Jun 14 17:45:18 UTC 2004


I am running Mandrake Comm 10.0 and have an interesting
problem. Basically after restarting my machine after a
couple of weeks uptime X doesn't start anymore. When
calling startx everything seems to startup fine for a
second I see the resolution switched and the mouse coursor
change. Then I get dumped back to the command line. I get a
couple of xkbcomp warnings but nothing serious (see
attachment). /var/log/XFree.0.log doesn't display any
errors either. What could I do to further diagnose this
problem or even solve it. Any helps is appreciated
otherwise I have to reinstall my system.
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