Was [Gllug] Best option for a lot of compute power

David Goodwin david at openminds.co.uk
Tue Jun 8 09:58:55 UTC 2004

Luke Hopkins wrote:
> Have been following this thread with interest. We run web services which
> are very db & disk intensive.
> We had planned on ordering some Dell 1750's (XEON with HT), but the
> concensus seems to be that's not the best option?
> Would opterons be better for this purpose? Would we then need to run a
> 64 bit OS? Reccomendations?


You don't need to use a 64 bit O/S for opterons - I've installed the 
standard x86 SLES8 on one with no problems. If you do use a 64bit 
version O/S you gain the advantage of being able to access more memory etc.

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