[Gllug] GLLUG Meeting, 28th February 2004

Dean Wilson dean.wilson3 at virgin.net
Mon Mar 1 20:32:47 UTC 2004

Richard Jones wrote:
>> How about OCaml? Either a talk or even a lab (we have laptops and a
>> room.)

> I'd be glad to, if sufficient people are interested.
> I did mention OCaml once before on this list, and it was generally met
> with a deafening silence :-)

Some of use followed the links and started on the tutorial. Unfortunately
Ruby won and i wasted^W invested a couple of days playing with that

I'd be more than willing to sit through an intro if it was a little more
on than the average talk.

Dean Wilson               http://www.unixdaemon.net
Profanity is the one language all programmers understand
--- Anon

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