[Gllug] Hardware RAID On-Disc Format

Doug Winter doug at pigeonhold.com
Mon Mar 15 13:54:42 UTC 2004

On Mon 15 Mar Bruce Richardson wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 15, 2004 at 01:06:39PM +0000, Doug wrote:
> > So these disks really might have data written in an undocumented
> > proprietary format on them?
> Well, consider that most RAID levels include having data "striped"
> across multiple disks.  The physical hard disks used in this manner
> don't really have filesystems.  Any recognisable filesystems have been
> created on the virtual disks, not the physical disks.  How did you
> expect to recover a file from one disk out of (say) a RAID 5
> configuration, given that not only the file but the filesystem is only
> partially present?

OK Good point, I omitted to say that this is two disks in a simple
mirror :)  For striping certainly you wouldn't expect to be able to
recover anything useful from either software or hardware raid.


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