[Gllug] Strange proxy request in Apache logs

Robert McKay robert at mckay.com
Sun Mar 14 16:45:44 UTC 2004

On Sun, Mar 14, 2004 at 12:39:29PM -0000, Dean Wilson wrote:
> Richard Jones wrote:
> > Is this entry some sort of proxy request which indicates the server is
> > misconfigured?

> > - - [14/Mar/2004:11:34:41 +0000] "GET
> > http://www.yahoo.com/ HTTP/1.1" 200 3790 "-" "Mozilla/4.0
> > (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95)"

> At a first glance i'd say yes, it looks like you can use this proxy as an
> anonymous relay.

On second glance i'd say no. Assuming the server in question is
annexia.org or j-london.com; it appears to serve up a valid (200) webpage
ie, the j-london site to pretty much any request, including requests
to proxy a connection to yahoo. That is to say, it's not proxying a
request to yahoo, it's just returning a j-london page when someone asks
it to proxy to yahoo. Is that a misconfiguration? maybe.. but it's not 
proxying anything.

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