[Gllug] IPcop Question

Sean Burlington sean at uncertainty.org.uk
Sat Mar 20 18:39:13 UTC 2004

Bruce Richardson wrote:

> Put a proxy server in, make your staff connect to the net through that.
> Then you can a) monitor traffic and block specific downloads and b)
> limit almost all access out through your firewall to a few privileged
> machines.

That is along the lines I have been thinking of - and while I could just 
install any standard linux distro and set that up: I'm not the network 
admin and don't want to take the job on.

Is there a firewall package you could recomend that has a web/gui 
interface for configuring firewall rules ?

We used to have some proprietary box that did the job - but it was 
limited to 50 users, we have about 53 and you couldn't upgrade it !

Smoothwall has been a good introduction to the benefits of open source 
for my office - but now we need something a bit more flexible.


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