[Gllug] OT-ish: Nokia 660 and .arc and .3pg file formats

Pete Ryland pdr at createservices.com
Sun May 16 23:45:25 UTC 2004

On Sun, May 16, 2004 at 04:20:07PM +0100, Dylan wrote:
> The data backups are saved as .arc files - but none of the archive apps 
> I've tried can read them - does anyone know what format they acrually 
> are?

Have you tried the 'arc' program, based on old MSDOS 'ARC'?

> Also, the video files are saved as .3pg (some kind of mpeg I guess) but 
> I can't get a player to open them. Again - anyone know what format the 
> files are and if they can be played/converted.

That'd be .3gp not .3pg.  It is just an mp4-compressed Apple QuickTime movie
file (ftyp).  Should play with most video players under linux with the right
codecs.  But they're probably 320x240 or something though; not terribly
useful outside the phone itself.

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