[Gllug] .procmailrc and lockfile question

Pete Ryland pdr at createservices.com
Tue May 25 10:46:03 UTC 2004

On Tue, May 25, 2004 at 10:47:33AM +0100, Ben Fitzgerald wrote:
> One problem has been that procmail can create lock files in
> my local mail directory (as *.lock) but cannot create files
> in /var/spool/mail (775 root.mail). I therefore put the following
> recipe at the bottom of my ~/.procmailrc
> :0: $HOME/.mail
> * .*
> /var/mail/b-fitzge
> This is messy. There must be a better way but I'm not seeing it.
> Obviously I'd like to keep permissions on /var/spool/mail as
> tight as possible.

Why is that so messy?

As long as all mail is going through your procmail, it should work just

> Any suggestions?

My preferred method is not to write out mail to /var/spool/mail/ as a user
at all (it's not supposed to work like that IMHO), but instead write out
general mail to ~/mail/ with everything else.  Then just configure your mail
client to pick the mail up from there instead of /var/spool/mail/.

I use:


in my .procmailrc, and send everything, including general mail, to
IN.something.  Then in my .muttrc, I have:

set folder=~/.mutt/Mail
set mbox=~/.mutt/Mail/IN
set record=~/.mutt/Mail/Sent
set spoolfile=~/.mutt/Mail/IN

mailboxes `find ~/.mutt/Mail/IN* -printf "%p "`
macro   index   <left>  ":mailboxes \`find ~/.mutt/Mail/IN* -printf \"%p \"\`\nc?<toggle-mailboxes>"  "Regenerate & View Mailboxes"

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