[Gllug] Coordinated attacks ... how?

Doug Winter doug at pigeonhold.com
Thu May 13 09:22:24 UTC 2004

On Thu 13 May Richard Jones wrote:
> addresses.  How is this?  Is there some sort of coordinated botnet at
> work here?  [And if they go to this much trouble, why can't they write
> an exploit script which isn't trivially defeated??]

It's probably someone with a botnet.  Getting a botnet isn't very
difficult, and a lot of kiddies manage it without having any real skills
at all - you can get software off the internet to sort it all out for
you.  It's not like cracking windows boxes is very difficult.

Frankly I find it quite depressing how crap most of these kiddies are at
coding.  Being hacked by some elite blackhat is one thing, but being
broken into by some 13 year old dunce from Kentucky would be really
embarassing :)


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