[Gllug] DNS question

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Fri Nov 5 11:39:04 UTC 2004

On Fri, 5 Nov 2004, Alain Williams moaned:
> I wanted to give a box several names, so I used CNAMEs:
> foo		IN	CNAME	bar
> 		IN	MX 10	foo

MXs shouldn't point to CNAMEs. (Indeed, *nothing* except for CNAMEs
should point to CNAMEs.)

RFC974 and RFC1912 recommend against it; but some people disagree:
<http://www.mengwong.com/misc/rfc1912-is-wrong.html>, the thread at

> So, I am happy but would rather that foo was a CNAME for bar, it makes maintainance,
> etc, easier. Am I doing something wrong, or is this something fundemental that
> I have not understood ?

Er, why not just have two A records, one `foo', one `bar', with `bar's
current IP address?

(People really do tend to overuse CNAMEs, I feel.)

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