[Gllug] Good linux magazines?
Rev Simon Rumble
simon at rumble.net
Tue Nov 9 22:46:22 UTC 2004
This one time, at band camp, Ben Fitzgerald wrote:
> I know you say most, but O'Reilly must be a very large player, and
> every book I've bought of theirs (and several I haven't!), have been
> great. Some others I wouldn't touch with a barge-pole (wrox), but
> that's just my preference.
I hate to criticize O'Reilly since they're the good guys but you
obviously never read their first Debian book (completely useless) or the
first edition of their introductory Linux book (even worse than
> Perhaps I've got you the wrong way round? Are you saying space costs
> more on the web? Or that ideas have to be thought through before
> publishing? Surely typesetting etc. makes the time from thought to
> printed word much longer and more costly?
Print deadlines and having a book on the shelf count for a lot more than
accuracy or utility in the book publishing world. O'Reilly have mostly
managed to avoid this, which is why they're still highly regarded.
(Disclosure: I worked on the Australian MSN Book in August 1995.
Yes, before it existed and moments before Bill killed it.)
Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>
The Tourist Engineer
Just because you're on holiday, doesn't mean you're not a geek.
"Why do we have to hide from the police, Daddy?"
"Because we use emacs, son. They use vi."
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