[Gllug] Still no decent FTP client for Linux?

Garry Heaton garry at heaton6.freeserve.co.uk
Thu Oct 7 02:05:57 UTC 2004

Jan Kokoska wrote:

> There is a Linux way of accomplishing what you ask for and that is using
> a script and CLI FTP client that you refuse to learn. You are missing
> the essentials of Linux in such case and I really couldn't see a reason
> for using it then. Oh, maybe that you don't have to pay for the license?
> Right...
> And yes, the above is terribly biased but what do you expect on this
> list at such hour? ;)
> Jan

Some of us work/play better at such an hour :-)

I've been using bash, Emacs and the *nix CLI utilities since I started with
Linux in the days of RedHat 7 so I'm no stranger to this mode of operation.
However, some tasks can be done more efficiently from a GUI and FTP is one
of them. Why is the Dreamweaver tree view so impossible to clone in a Linux
FTP client? It would appear to be a basic feature but I don't see it
anywhere is OSS ftp clients. CLI isn't the answer to everything.


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