[Gllug] [OT]Reforming wayward web designers

Richard Cottrill Richard.Cottrill at akctc.co.uk
Fri Oct 1 11:04:51 UTC 2004

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is not strictly a technical problem, and nor is it strictly a Linux
issue. This is an issue that many/most of us will face at one point or
another, and well, there *is* a Linux server involved :)

I have taken it upon myself to try to reform the wayward actions of my
flatmate, a budding web designer. Last night there was an inicdent where
he decided that he wanted his online CV composed entirely of jpeg
images, laid out on a pop-up, composed of tables of joined images. I was
shocked and appalled. He was horrified when I pointed out a spelling
mistake. At this point I broke down into a childish bout of "I told you
so". I have resolved to be stronger in future.

I want to find a really good article on Web site design, written from
the perspective of a designer who's "seen the light" on good practice.
Ideally there should be a couple of blistering attacks with all the
ferocity that only a recent convert can muster. It's very important that
this comes from the perspective of a designer, rather than a geek;
technical discussions will be pissing in the wind. The article should
talk about impressions, image, and all those soft, cuddly ideas that
most geeks crush under the weight of big iron and code profiling.

Suggestions, please. Thanks,


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