[Gllug] [OT]Reforming wayward web designers

David Damerell damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Thu Oct 7 11:50:41 UTC 2004

On Thursday, 7 Oct 2004, Garry Heaton wrote:
>Richard Jones wrote:
>>Don't feed the troll:
[Can't use Debian, can't use Perl, can't use CSS.]
>Very clever, Richard. I stick by the comments I made in these posts.

I notice that the other people on A List Apart seem less than
convinced by the idea that tables are necessary for layout.

Also, from the Debian post, I think I see the problem; you
essentially want never to have to learn anything; hence the desire for
GUI FTP clients, not to get to grips with CSS...

>that? I could go rummaging around in your old posts but if you can't address
>the issues without resorting to personal attacks why waste your bandwidth?

 I found those links very enlightening.

David Damerell <damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk> flcl?
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