[Gllug] adding to a text file using crontab

Sharon Kimble sharonm63 at tiscali.co.uk
Fri Sep 3 10:43:37 UTC 2004

Can I ask your advice please?

In my root crontab I have this line '*/5 * * * * DATE=`date` UPTIME=`uptime` ; 
echo "$DATE $UPTIME" >/opt/logwatch/uptime.txt' [which is one continuous line 
although it wraps here] but in uptime.txt it only shows one line of text 
which is constantly being updated. How can I get it so that it is just adding 
to the bottom of the text file instead of replacing please?

If I can get it to add, then it can show when the system goes down, perhaps 
because of a power cut, whereas, at present, it is just overwritten.

 11:38:11 up 1 day, 15:26,  1 user,  load average: 1.20, 1.17, 1.23
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